8 Easy Ways To Start Automating Your Home

8 Easy Ways To Start Automating Your Home

home automation tech studio mac and PC repair-home computer repairSmart home technology has been on the rise for the past few years. There are tons of benefits to adding smart home features to your house. Home automation can improve security and lower your energy bills while adding convenience. Most home automation devices aren't difficult to use or install. However, if you're not handy, you can always hire a home computer repair service to install them. The most important thing is to get them up and running as quickly as possible so you can relax and enjoy their functionality. Let’s take a look at how you can harness the technology of the future to make your life easier:

WiFi Enabled Outlets

WiFi enabled outlets are easy to use and give you all sorts of features. Using a WiFi enabled outlet is a great way to make sure you never leave the TV or radio on all night again. Simply schedule your outlet to turn off when you’re usually asleep. You’ll save on your power bill, and you won't keep your significant other awake, either. Additionally, you can hook up your coffee maker and have it turn on with your alarm for coffee when you wake. Finally, you don’t have to get out of bed to turn off your reading lamps anymore. Simply flip them off from your smart phone and roll over to sleep.

Smart Home Security

There are many different smart security systems on the market today. With the right system, you can get warning notifications when you’re not home, and you'll be able to see inside your house using built in cameras. Unlike detectors that trigger false alarms for things like a walking past the motion detectors, smart security systems let you decide if there's a problem before summoning help. Simply have your home computer repair service set up strong password protection and you’ll have cutting edge safety in your home.

Smart Blinds

Smart blinds automatically open and close based on the location of the sun in the sky. It's easy to schedule your blinds to close when the sun shines through certain windows, and open again when the sun moves passes over. Smart blinds make it easy to achieve perfect natural lighting in your home. You'll also save on cooling by blocking sunlight at the hottest times of the day. Additionally, smart blinds can also hook up to your smart phone for those times you want to change them outside of the schedule.

Wi-Fi Enabled Lighting

Your lightbulbs don’t seem like they could be all that advanced, but there’s plenty of room for automation in your lighting systems. You can hook your lights up to your smoke detectors to provide emergency lighting when a fire is detected. You can also time your lights to go on and off in sync with your typical lighting habits, even when you’re not home. That makes them an essential part of your home security. Finally, they’re convenient. Flip your light switches on or off from any room in the house with your smart phone, or just dim them to achieve perfect mood lighting.

Smart Smoke Detectors

With a smart smoke detector, you can get alerts to your phone not just when it detects smoke, but also when the batteries need changing. Smart smoke detectors put a permanent end to checking dozens of detectors to find the one that's chirping as the battery runs down. Smart detectors can scan for fire as well as just detecting smoke to give you the earliest alert possible.

Cooking often sets off smoke detectors.  That can lead some homeowners to disconnect some detectors to stop false alarms. That's a dangerous practice. Smart smoke detectors  allow you to use your phone to instantly silence a false alarm. There's no need to climb on a stool to push a button anymore.

Wi-Fi Enabled Doorbells

Instead of running to the door just to tell solicitors you’re not interested, see who it is on your phone. Most smart doorbells also have a motion detection feature so you can see when your package is dropped off. Just ask your home computer repair company to set everything up and you’ve got a no hassle monitoring system.

Smart Air Conditioning & Heating

Programmable thermostats have been around for years now, and they just keep getting better. Smart thermostats let use your phone to control them from anywhere instead of having to fiddle with adjustments room by room. With smartphone technology, you don't even have to be home to adjust your heating and cooling. In addition to convenience, your smart thermostat can also save you on your electricity bills by adjusting your thermostat patterns to reduce waste.

Voice Enabled Smart Devices

Both Amazon and Google now offer voice-enabled devices for the home. It's likely that many more manufacturers will follow suit. While they’re great for asking simple questions, and for playing music, these devices can do a lot more. It's possible to have a home computer repair service connect them to all your other smart home devices to make them the brains of your entire home automation system. You’ll feel like you’re in an episode of Star Trek using your voice to control your entire home.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, and need help installing or optimizing your smart home devices, contact Tech Studio Mac and PC Repair for expert, in-home service.

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